A Little League baseball team of misfits dedicate their season to a player's dying father. In doing so, they accomplish the impossible by reaching the World Series finals in a game that became an ESPN...
Five girls, five best friends, all haunted by their past mistakes of an April Fools prank gone fatally wrong, meet again after two years for a summer week long getaway in the woods to reconnect and re...
Lost in a personal vacation police Chris Morgan (he gave evidence to the Department of internal investigations about corruption of their fellow was awarded OK. 400 000 dollars!), he met with singer fr...
故事发生在二次世界大战期间,沃尔特(盖瑞·马歇尔 Garry Marshall 饰)是曾经风靡一时的棒球明星,如今,早已屈居二线的他决定组建一支史无前例的女子棒球队。他看重了漂亮高大的多利(吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis 饰),多利的妹妹基特(罗莉·佩蒂 Lori Petty 饰)也跟随着姐姐的脚步加入了球队。...