A story about Down's syndrome of a young man named Leon. After his mother died a hero struggles to stay and live with his sister. However, she is trying to improve her personal life and her only broth...
After escaping from a sex trafficking ring, one teenage girl struggles to reconnect with herself and her family. To rescue her helpless friends, she must confront her own fears and help lead the polic...
阳光明媚的加州海滨度假区,青春男女正无忧无虑的在碧海中游弋。他们不知道,这里正在进行着一项绝密试验。蓝水总部公司的纳森·桑兹博士(埃瑞克·罗勃兹 Eric Roberts 饰)和他的女儿妮可(莎拉·马拉克·雷恩 Sara Malakul Lane 饰)在军方的资助下,通过转基因等手段制造出一个半鲨鱼半章鱼的怪物,代号S-11。通过特定的控制器,总部可以控制章鲨的行动,完成各种各样军事任务。但是一场...