The drama series returns with a fresh story. Devoted mother and social worker Christine Rees is still grieving a tragic loss when a stranger contacts her family, claiming an extraordinary connection. ...
Nacho flees the violence of his home in Buenos Aires and looks for a home under the protection of his father, a rancher with whom he barely has a relationship. Nacho will have to fight to understand h...
Benny works for old school crime boss Abe, Abe has multiple personalities and is in a gang war with the notorious Frankie. Kane is the deadliest of Abe's personalities, the next 24 hours will be a kil...
Санкт-Петербург, наши дни. Город шокирован чередой жутких самоубийств. Егор, студент последнего курса, готовится переехать в Москву, чтобы забыть прошлое и начать новую жизнь. Все меняется, когда он в...