Death By Audio, an underground venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction worker...
29 year-old Barnaby is jobless, broke, his girlfriend left him and he's living out of his car. Luckily for him, fate intervenes and he is reacquainted with Madison, an old friend. As she helps him tur...
When eight strangers wake up in a mansion guarded by an elderly woman with a hunched back (Nenek), they soon realise that they are being held hostage, not only in the mansion and its su...
亚马逊预订13集限定剧《黛西与乐队》(Daisy Jones & The Six,暂译)。亚马逊与瑞茜·威瑟斯彭的公司Hello Sunshine联合制作,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭出任监制,[灾难艺术家]两编剧斯科特·纽斯塔德、迈克尔·H·韦伯操刀剧本。该剧改编自泰勒·詹金斯·雷德的同名小说,故事围绕上世纪70年代一个虚构的摇滚乐团展开。...