A high school student whose father and sister were recently murdered begins her own investigation after two of her fellow cheerleaders are kidnapped. She sets out on a rescue mission, but the killer m...
In a North Dublin housing estate Char's mother goes missing. When she returns Char is determined to uncover the truth of her disappearance and unearth the dark secrets of her family....
桑特(克里斯·布兰特 Chris Briant 饰)曾是一名在阿富汗服役的士兵,残酷的战场曾给他留下诸多美好的回忆,也在他的心中留下了难以磨灭的烙印。如今桑特供职于某政府机关,他所在的小镇在过去两年中发生了22起人口失踪事件。离奇的数字引起桑特的注意,经过一番执着地探查,他终于将目标锁定在某私人森林腹地名为“Fort Groben”的古旧庄园上。虽然遇到重重艰险,不过桑特最终潜入到了这个神秘所在。...
波利娜(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver饰)曾经被一个男子施暴,被蒙着眼的她一直不知道罪人是谁,她的性格也变得神经兮兮。她的丈夫杰拉多(斯图尔特·威尔逊 Stuart Wilson饰)当选委员会主席后回到家中,就发现波利娜有着一些比平时更怪异的举动。她甚至把前来拜访的邻居米兰达(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley饰)的车子推落山崖,凭着米兰达车里的磁带“死亡和处女”,以及米兰达的气...