Notorious fighters are trapped in lethal martial arts games by a sadistic magnate. Armed only with their combat skills, they face brutal battles for survival in a deadly kill-or-be-killed showdown....
When Eva, a young housemaid, gets involved in a steamy threesome with a houseboy and her lady boss, she realizes she has to choose only one of them....
在一座古老的阴森恐怖的坟场中,经常发生一些莫名其妙的惨案,令人百思不得其解。这天,麦克(A.麦克•鲍德温_A. Michael Baldwin 饰)最好的朋友不幸也在坟场中遇害了。伤心欲绝的麦克发誓一定要为朋友报仇,于是他决定深夜前往坟场找出朋友遇害的秘密。于是这天夜里,麦克偷偷潜进了坟场。半夜过后,麦克看到了令人毛骨悚然的一幕,这个古老的坟场里竟然居住着大量的丧尸,他们都以食人为乐!惊慌不已的麦...
Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs...
本片描述的是在黑暗的中世纪,女王巴夫莫达听说一个即将诞生的女婴会在将来推翻她的统治成为王位的合法继承人,于是下令将王国内所有的怀孕妇女全部处死。同一时间,一个叫达南的刚出生女婴被送到了木筏上顺流而下,矮小的内尔温族人威洛(沃维克•戴维斯 Warwick Davis 饰)将她救了起来。威洛想将达南送归戴基尼人,于是带着她上路了。巴夫莫达女王得知消息后派出索莎公主和凯尔将军前往抓捕威洛他们。达南最终命...