January 1959, Soviet Union. In the icy Ural Mountains, a group of nine students sets out on a ski trek. Even though they all are well-experienced hikers, they never reach their destination. As their b...
The Strongest Man is a Miami-centric comedy about an anxiety-ridden Cuban man, who fancies himself the strongest man in the world. In a quest to recover his most beloved possession, a stolen bicycle, ...
卡洛琳(凯特·戴琳斯 Kat Dennings 饰)是一位17岁的叛逆少女,跟随着父亲,卡洛琳从车水马龙的大城市搬到了风景秀丽的小镇,可是,令卡洛琳没有想到的是,在这个看似平静的小镇之中,却隐藏了许多肮脏的秘密。原来,平淡的生活让小镇青年们急于寻找刺激,于是,他们选择了最快捷的方法,那就是吸毒。...