“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begin...
号称“红魔”的雷蒙德(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)一直以来都是联邦调查局通缉名单上的“常驻人员”,某一日,这位控制了犯罪市场中大部分信息与资源的传奇人物突然现身自首,并且声称能够提供关于恐怖分子兰科(Jamie Jackson 饰)的最新线索,条件只有一个,那就是让初出茅庐的菜鸟探员莉兹(梅根·布恩 Megan Boone 饰)做他的搭档和联络员。...
偏僻的俄罗斯驻防军区,两列火车相撞爆炸。随即发生了一场匪夷所思的核爆炸,俄罗斯境内造成重大伤亡。美国白宫反核走私情报部门的朱莉亚·凯利(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman饰)博士怀疑这起核意外并非偶然发生的事故。为了追查这起爆炸的始末,查明背后的真相,朱莉亚与陆军特种部队的少尉托马斯·威尔(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)受命展开调查。他们在艰苦的调查中,竟发现了一个惊天大阴谋...
The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gMaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague....
With series ten due to launch on Sunday 18 April at 8pm and series 11 about to commence filming, Call The Midwife will now be on air until 2024. Series 12 and 13, commissioned by Piers Wenger, Directo...