Luis, 18, sees only one way to be able to provide for himself and his mother: training at Mexico’s national military academy. The rigid system of violence that is designed to turn him into the perfect...
In I'll Be Watching, after her tech genius husband (Bob Morley) leaves on a work trip, Julie (Eliza Taylor), still mourning the loss of her sister, is trapped in their new, isolated home and must figh...
圣乔治骑士约瑟夫·布洛涅(小凯文·哈里森 Kelvin Harrison Jr. 饰)1745年出生在法属加勒比地区,是一名非洲奴隶和一名法国种植园主的私生子。他在法国社会中拥有其他黑人无法企及的地位,他既是小提琴家&作曲家,又是击剑冠军。他与一位法国贵妇拥有一段不幸爱情,同时也与玛丽·安托瓦内特及她的宫廷闹翻,这也致使他早逝。...
在上一次试图击败海王(杰森·莫玛 Jason Momoa 饰)未果后,黑蝠鲼(叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁 Yahya Abdul-Mateen II 饰)依然不甘放弃为父报仇,誓要消灭海王。这一次,他找到了传说中的黑暗三叉戟,释放出古老的邪恶力量,比以往更来势汹汹。为了与之抗衡,海王向被囚禁狱中的弟弟奥姆(也是前亚特兰蒂斯国王,帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)求助,组成了出乎意料的...