Sequel to Rob Lowe's 2018 The Bad Seed, follows now 15-year-old Emma, as she is sent off to boarding school where a new girl seems to know Emma's secrets, leading Emma to to slip back to her old ways....
Amazon过去直接预订《杰克·莱恩 Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan》,现定下8集首季于美国时间8月31日上线,由John Krasinski饰演主角Jack Ryan。本剧根据Tom Clancy笔下著名的CIA英雄形象改编,由Amazon和Paramo unt TV制作,本剧的制作团队包括 Carlton Cuse﹑编剧Graham Roland及Michael Bay等。...
It follows four girlfriends as they set out for an adventure in paradise, they quickly called upon to employ her own unique set of skills, doing whatever it takes to come out alive and, if possible, r...